About Us
Traditional Family Farming

Our Processes
We do things differently…
All of our produce is sold to customers through contracts, establishing both a market and a fixed price, allowing us to concentrate on service, quality and yield.
We use the latest technology for real time information to enhance the precision of our field work and the management of our birds. Yield monitoring, GPS, aerial and satellite photography help with our crops. Instant environmental, feed and water usage combined with real time imagery from our free range units aid bird welfare, management and decision making.
We are able to generate our own electricity through the use of Solar panels on the roofs of our Free Range poultry units. Thus enabling us to meet some of our voluntary environmental goals. Energy efficiency auditing is another area of major importance to us, which is already delivery significant energy usage savings. As Chicken manure is an organic by product from our bird units, we use this manure as an organic sustainable fertiliser. This provides great growth to all our crops, maintaing our fields fertility and structure as well as reducing our carbon footprint.